<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Clearwater Rowing Elite (CRE) - Community Service

The Clearwater Rowing Elite (CRE) Initiative is focused on the current and future success of urban high school students. There are four components to this initiative.

(1) Academics

(2) Athletics

(3) Healthy Lifestyle Choices

(4) Community Service

These four components join together to create the best opportunity for these high school students to succeed in high school and gain admittance to accredited colleges as preparation for a successful future.

Community Involvement

A large focus of what we do is instill in our participants that they have unique talents and gifts that are of great value to society.

We prove this to our students by involving them in community service on a regular basis.

During the year our organization will partner with several charitable organizations to further their causes while instilling in our participants the importance of making a difference in their communities.

We will have a strong partnership with the Red Cross.  We will hold blood drives at our facility every two months.   Our participants will be instrumental in getting the word out that each blood drive is taking place so the surrounding community can be a part of the effort.  Our students will make phone calls to people who have given blood at one of our prior drives in an effort to secure their donations again.  During the summer program, six hours will be devoted to furthering the cause of the Red Cross.  Our students and those who are joining us for the week will work with the Red Cross to assist in whatever current need the Red Cross is fulfilling at the time.

We will proctor ACT, SAT, and Advanced Placement tests at our facility.  This will allow our students the opportunity to conveniently sit for these exams.  This will help the surrounding community by providing another location for testing.

We will support the United States Military.  Twice each year our families will be gathering for social events:  one a Fourth of July party and one a Thanksgiving Gathering.  At each of these family events the participants and their families will create packets for US Military Personnel stationed overseas.  The packets will include home baked cookies (made in our kitchen by the students themselves), a handwritten thank you card or letter, and a small craft the Military Member can carry with him or her to remind them that those of us in the states appreciate the daily sacrifice they and their families make for our safety.

We will have a strong relationship with the County Children’s Services in assisting this organization twice each year.  First, during our Super Bowl Party, the students and their families will take supplies that are donated prior to the event (which the participants will solicit from various companies) and create Birthday Bags that the County Children’s Services can distribute to children in need.  Second, on Christmas Eve our participants will gather unsold Christmas Trees from Christmas Tree lots and dressed up like elves will deliver the trees and donated trimmings and gifts specific to each family, to families designated by children’s services.  Prior to Christmas Eve the participants will secure donations of trees, trimmings, and the gifts requested by Children’s Services.

On Halloween Evening our participants will transform the boat house in to a “haunted boat house” specifically geared to the kindergarten student.  We will work with the Boy Scouts, Tiger Cub Division, and the Girl Scouts, Brownie Division, to bring in these Tiger Cubs and Brownies for two hours of fun and merit badge completion.

During our First Year Participant Labor Day Weekend Retreat the participants will prepare donated backpacks stuffed with donated school supplies for needy students in the local City Schools.  Prior to the retreat our participants will solicit donations from the community at large and various corporate entities to create these backpacks.



Who Benefits


Last Saturday in January
Sweetheart Dance

Food Pantry

Food Drive

Mid January

Red Cross

Blood Drive

Super Bowl Party

Children Services

Birthday Bags

Mid March

Red Cross

Blood Drive

Mid May

Red Cross

Blood Drive

4th of July BBQ


Thank you gifts

Summer Week 1

Habitat for Humanity

At their designated site

Summer Week 2

Environmental Cleanup

At their designated site

Summer Week 3

Local Libraries

At their designated site

Summer Week 4

Local Recreation and Parks

At their designated site

Summer Week 5

Red Cross

At their designated site

Mid July

Red Cross

Blood Drive

Summer Week 6

Humane Society

At their designated site

Summer Week 7

Local Mission

At their designated site

Summer Week 8

Pregnancy Distress Center

At their designated site

Summer Week 9

Boys and Girls Club

At their designated site

Summer Week 10


At their designated site

Labor Day Weekend
Freshman Retreat

Local Schools

Backpack Stuffing

Mid September

Red Cross

Blood Drive

Halloween Regatta

Brownies and Tiger Cubs

Trick or Treat Haunted House

Thanksgiving Friday


Thank you gifts

Mid December

Red Cross

Blood Drive

Christmas Eve

Children Services

Christmas Tree/Present Delivery


How can you help?

There are several opportunities to assist by supporting our youth with your role model presence. Read about them here.

If you have talents or skills or other resources you feel will be of value to this program, please let us know here.